Gasa is one of the 20 dzongkhag (districts) comprising Bhutan. It is located in the far north of the county and spans the Middle and High Himalayas.It is the least developed of all the dzongkhags and has a population of just over 3500 although it has become a hot tourist destination because of its pristine forests and notably, the hot springs. Gasa the northern most district of the country adjoins the districts of Punakha, Thimphu and Wangdue Phodrang and with Tibet to its north. This starkly beautiful region with elevations ranging from 1500 to 4,500 metres experiences extremely long and hard winters and short but beautiful summers. It has the smallest population with just about 3000 inhabitants. Of culture meet the people of Laya, the nomads of western Bhutan. These people live on yaks and harvest of Cordycep (fungi of high value, used in oriental medicine).