Tsirang District is located in the southwestern part of Bhutan on the Wangdue-Gelephu highway. Tsirang is noted for its gentle slopes and mild climates. The dzongkhag is also noted for its rich biodiversity, however, it is one of the few dzongkhags without a protected area. One of Bhutan’s longest rivers, the Punatsang Chhu or Sankosh river flows through the district. It is the main district where the Lhotshampas  (Nepali-speaking Bhutanese) reside. The dominant language in Tsirang is Nepali, spoken by the heterogeneous Lhotshampa. In the north of Tsirang, Dzongkha is also spoken.

Damphu is the administrative headquarters and capital of Tsirang District. It is located on the north-south highway running from Wangdue Phodrang to Sarpang and Gelephu on the border with India. It is also where the Tsirang Dzong is located.

The route from Wangdue Phodrang to Tsirang is quite scenic; one will see one of the largest hydro power projects in the country being constructed. The project is powered by the Puna Tsang Chhu, the river that flows from Punakha.